Kubrick's Filming Techniques and Style

Stanley Kubrick is known for his extensive use of character's-point-of-view footage. Stanley Kubrick is also known
 for facial close up shots in which the actors head is tilted downwards while the actor stares up at the camera giving the the actor an evil appearance. Kubrick also used wide angle shots, character tracking shots, zoom shots in most of his movies. Kubrick also shot several shots in long hallways in between tall walls in a few of his movies.

To find out more about the different camera shots employed by Kubrick please follow the links below:

- Point of View shot
- Close Up shot
- Wide Angle shot
- Character Tracking shot
- Zoom shot

Sound Tracks:
Stanley Kubrick is known for his use of voice over narration. In most of his movies after 2001: A Space Odyssey Kubrick used prerecorded classical music and he is also know for having used jolly pop music in scenes involving destruction to providing an ironic sound track to grim scenes of devastation.

What is Voice Over Narrartion?
- Voice Over Technique

Interesting Facts about Kubrick Films:
- Every single Stanley Kubrick movie has a scene in or around a bathroom.
- Kubrick loved including back references to his previous films in his movies.